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If you’ve worked in technology at all you probably recognize the name “O’Reilly”—it has become practically synonymous with “tech help.” For anyone who has tried to code a line of html, or figure out what the heck that icon on the iPhone screen is, O’Reilly Media has produced a manual to explain it.

In the digital age shelves weighted down with books like these are becoming less and less common. Creators are turning more to online resources and tutorials to help them with specific issues. But, as you might expect from a forward thinking technology company, O’Reilly has been there to meet their readers.

Part of this has been due to the initiative of O’Reilly’s founder Tim O’Reilly who has seen an e-book revolution coming.

Tim recently sat down with Harvard Library Innovation Lab’s very own David Weinberger to talk about using the web to curate and archive knowledge, and what innovations publishers like he have to take on in order to survive.

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Creative Commons music courtesy of Brad Sucks and photos courtesy of Flickr users Simonov and Joi.